Monday 24 September 2012


For my first assignment at LSAD, I was asked to give a visual response to what I think space is.
This assignment, for me, was very confusing and I completely over thought the assignment until I realised what space actually is.....everything!
Space is everything and everywhere. It’s quite simple. I just have to figure out what MY space is.

So I began researching different artists and designers and found some which I really liked.
The first artist I studied was Richard Serra. I truly enjoyed studying his work. It really linked with some ideas I had originally. I had thought about the concept of roads and how they relate to where I am at the moment, I can literally go any direction and I felt roads really captured what I was feeling when I first entered LSAD.

I then went on to look at work from Kara walker. I truly enjoyed her work, more so than Richard Serra. Even though Serra’s work captured movement throughout which I really liked, walkers work seemed to have captured movement more so than Serra.

 After researching other designers such as Ken Eastman and Victor and Rolf, I came to the conclusion that I wanted to focus on movement within space.

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