Tuesday 9 October 2012

Andy Goldsworthy

This week in college, we had a lecture on 3D art work. We watched a video on Andy Goldsworthy called "Rivers and tides 3". This video was so supportive. It completely changed my view on my whole project.

Andy Goldsworthy was trying to create a statue out of rocks but each time the statue would entirely collapse. That to me, would be very frustrating and then he said something that really caught me in my thoughts. He said: "it is intensely disappointing and this is the forth time its fallen and each time I got to know the stone a little bit more. It got higher each time so it grew in proportion to my understanding of the stone and that is really what one of the things my art is trying to do, is understand the stone. I obviously don’t understand it well enough......yet."

After hearing this, I made a realisation; even the most talented artist struggle with their work and it’s not about finishing an art piece, it’s about the journey. About how you need to study and understand a subject before you can develop a finished piece. It will take time and patience but with that comes success. :)

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