Monday 8 October 2012

Reflections altering space

                                                                          I finally got my camera fixed :)
So here is what I have been working on as a starting point. As I said in my last post, I began by just working with different fabrics and mediums. I liked the idea of using paper manipulation as a technique as I have never really worked with paper in this sense before. I also really liked the work of Kara Walker as i said in my earlier posts. I started by pleating very thin paper in circles. I then added netting to give the piece more volume and finally painted the background paper with brown acrylic paint by spreading the paint with netted fabric to illustrate the scratches made in the space by the dancer.

After completing my 3D art piece, I noticed that due to the delicacy of the paper and fabric, the shape and form would change quite easily simply by a gust of wind. I noticed how the different shadows would change very dramatically very easily. So I decided to investigate the shadows of dancers within a dance space. I investigate dancer’s shadows and studio space through YouTube videos. After the third video, I stopped watching the dancer and began looking at their reflection in the mirrors around them. I was fascinated by how the mirrors changed the whole view of the dance studio. Mirrors have the power to make a space look double the size it actually is so I am now going to look at reflections within space and how reflective materials can alter a space.

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