Tuesday 16 October 2012

Jacob Kassay

After studying the work of Robert Smithson, I than began looking at other artist who brings reflective material into their work. One artist which I was extremely attracted to is Jacob Kassay.

Kassay uses acrylic paint and silver deposit on canvas. The thing I liked most about this is that kassay is not using clear reflective materials.The objects or being that interacts with the art piece is not as clear as some other artists I previously looked at, as the materials he uses do not distinct the figure that is in front of it. They allow the viewer or object to become distorted and almost unreadable. In Smithson’s work you can clearly see figures and details in the mirrors he uses whereas in kassay work you can only see a silhouette of the figure standing in front of it. That is what I like about kassay work, it makes you think and wonder. It is not just handed to you straight. You have to look and figure out what is being reflected both literally and metaphorically.

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